Raising Confident Children
Rebecca Harris, Early Education Writer   •   October 17, 2018
Raising confident and self-assured kids can be tough. Our world can be challenging, and it's important to raise a child who knows they are strong, smart, and can take on what their future has in store. Confidence is essential for a child to grow into a successful and happy adult. However, as a parent, it can be difficult finding the happy medium between coddling and being too tough on our kids. Here are five great ways to build their confidence while giving them the support that they need.
  1. Affirm your child's actions in constructive ways. Focus on effort and specific things that they've done well. This lets them know that you are paying attention to positive actions. If your child's efforts weren't successful, it's important for them to know that they are capable of taking on adversity and doing better next time. Praise them for what they worked hard for, even if it didn't work out in the way they wanted.
  2. Don't shield your child from failure. Natural consequences are the best ways to learn as long as your child is staying safe. Rescuing them from disappointment saves them from frustration now, but takes away their chance to grow. Failure gives them the opportunity to develop skills to overcome obstacles. Your child learns that they can take on challenges in the future and builds their lifelong confidence. As long as your child is safe, it's okay to let them lose every so often.
  3. Provide them with more responsibilities. Giving children tasks that they can achieve shows them that they are capable of accomplishing challenges. Consider letting them help in the kitchen, gardening outside, or helping build DIY projects around the house. Giving them small tasks that grow into a bigger achievement, like planting seeds in a garden that mature into herbs you can cook with later on, shows your children that their contributions can positively impact their own lives and the lives of others.
  4. Problem solving. Small problems occur all the time. Let your child try to navigate those issues on their own before stepping in for them, even including them on problems of your own. Ask them for their thoughts on the issue when you have a decision to make. This assures them that their ideas are important, and that it's okay for even adults to not always know the answer.
  5. Encourage your child's questions. Sometimes it seems like a child's questions may never end. Honestly, it can be frustrating as a parent to be constantly questioned. However, curiosity is one of the greatest tools in helping children grow.  Following a child's questions down their road of curiosity makes children feel like their opinions are valid and encourages them to learn.
Your children have all the potential in the world. Help them realize that they can accomplish goals beyond their imagination, and that you'll be there to support them throughout their journey.
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